100% american family owned
Rooted in the Land of Enchantment, New Mexico.

founded in 1985
ADC began as Cordova Support Services Ltd., in New Mexico, founded by Arthur Cordova.

ADC LTD NM had very humble beginnings. The Cordova family started their business experience in a small grocery store in Jarales, New Mexico. It was there that the foundation of ADC LTD NM, as we currently know it began.
Many of the business practices that ADC LTD NM conducts are driven by their farming heritage: live within your means, be honest, give back to your community and fix it if it breaks.
In 1985 Arthur founded Cordova Support Service to support federal and state agencies, Native American Tribes and private sector firms. In 2008, Cordova Support Services Ltd. became ADC LTD NM, the name we’re known by today.

ADC was established during a time when the nation was experiencing some of its most robust trials and tribulations in national security. ADC’s contributions to security were so impactful in the private and public sectors, that the company subsequently won multiple federal contracts with the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security.
On The Fly to Charismatic Leader
By Oscar S. Ramirez, PHD
This is not solely a biography of Arthur Donald Cordova Jr. who refused to be relegated to a marginal position within our society or imprisoned by what people think. This book is an insight into his thinking processes, how he grew up in Jarales, New Mexico, how his indwelling values, indominable guts (Elan Vital), panache and passion set him apart from others to found, develop and lead one of the largest security companies in the United States. Without doubt, he has stood the test of time! He proved himself to be strong and vital not only in defying all challenges but succeeded as a business entrepreneur, family man and community leader. He has well represented the spirit-of-time, that is, what it takes to be human.
A quick read on how a charismatic approach, insight, courage and ambition led to the development of one of the largest private securities companies in the United States.
Through example, our founder, Arthur Cordova, instilled in his children, the current owners, the importance of hard-work, customer service and service to the community. This continues to be the foundation of our operation today.
ADC has continued to establish itself as an exceptionally valued supplier of background investigations to government agencies, with numerous federal contracts and ever-expanding roles and responsibilities. We have supported divisions within a variety of federal departments and agencies, including the Department of Energy, Department of Transportation, Department of Commerce, Department of Agriculture, Social Security Administration (SSA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and more.
As a leading contractor specializing in security, ADC LTD NM attributes most of its success to the family core values that it was built on, making the corporation truly unique amongst other corporations within the same industry.
Recently, we have successfully conducted background investigations with five agencies within the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security through the United States, provided security guards for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) across the United States, and also provided guard services for the City of Albuquerque and City of Santa Fe. In more than 30 years, we have grown our extensive experience in a wide variety of security and investigative services.